Lizzy Dogterom (1997) is a documentary photographer who draws inspiration from subjects such as adolescence, relationships, and the past.
Her work seeks to create connections and portrays
a longing for something that no longer exists, characterized by a nostalgic atmosphere.
For enquires or collaborations:
+31 (6) 21 99 68 91
KVK: 85947407
​2022/23 Photography Intern at Nick van Tiem
​2022/23​ Photography Intern at Sarah Mei Herman
2019-2023 BA Applied Photography and Image Communication Dutch Academy for Image Creation
​​2015-2019 Graphic Design
2023 Noorderlicht Festival - Groningen, NL
2023 Apeldoorn Photo - Apeldoorn, NL
​2023 AREA - Rotterdam, NL
2024 Pf Magazine #5, debuut
​2023 ENTER ENTER, book fair - Amsterdam, NL
​2021 Vtwonen, Hotel de Lochemse Berg, article
2020 JAN Reizen, Hotel de Lochemse Berg, article